Mission Statement
Our mission is to improve our community by working to meet the varying needs of crime victims, protecting the rights of victims, and providing a safe place for victims to receive support, education, and appropriate referrals.
Our Services
Victims of crime respond to trauma in different ways and have different needs. The Victim Specialists are here to offer support to crime victims in Cleveland County by providing the following services:
- Support throughout the criminal justice process - from victimization to courtproceedings
- Crisis intervention
- Assistance with connection to emergency needs such as food, clothing, and shelter
- Safety assessment and planning
- Advocacy
- Needs assessment and referrals to community agencies
- Education about sexual trauma and its effects
- Help with understanding the various processes of the criminal justice system
- Help registering for & understanding how the NCSAVAN automated victim notification
system works - Case status notifications
- Advisement of rights under the NC Victims’ Rights Act
- Assistance with NC Victim Compensation
- Assistance with filing for protective orders (50B and 50C)
Know Your Rights
As a victim of crime, you shall be treated with dignity and respect by the criminal justice system. The North Carolina Constitution guarantees you the following rights:
Chapter 15A, Article 46, Section 3
- The right upon request to reasonable, accurate, and timely notice of court proceedings of the accused.
- The right upon request to be present at court proceedings of the accused.
- The right to be reasonably heard at court proceedings involving the plea, conviction, sentencing, or release of the accused.
- The right to receive restitution in a reasonably timely manner, when ordered by the court.
- The right to be given information about the crime, how the criminal justice system works, the rights of victims, and the availability of services for victims.
- The right, upon request, to receive information about the conviction or final disposition and sentence of the accused.
- The right, upon request, to receive notification of escape, release, proposed parole or pardon of the accused, or no-tice of reprieve or commutation of the accused sentence.
- The right to present the victim’s views and concerns in writing to the Governor or agency considering any action that could result in the release of the accused, prior to such action becoming effective.
- The right to reasonably confer with prosecution.
NC SAVAN (North Carolina Statewide Automated Victim Assistance and Notification) is a criminal justice information-sharing system that supports automated victim notification. NC SAVAN operates a 24-hour toll-free automated offender information and notification service. Individuals may call the toll-free number 1-877-NC SAVAN (1-877-627-2826) to learn about an offender's status, register for offender notification, or to learn about victim assistance resources in their area. You can register for offender notifications here
Local Resources
- Department of Social Services (704) 487-0661 (Medicaid, food stamps, emergency financial services, Employment assistance)
- Salvation Army (704) 482-0375 (financial assistance, food pantry, clothes closet)
- Abuse Prevention Council (704) 481-0043 (FREE Emergency services, Shelter, Legal services, and Counseling for victims of Domestic Violence and Sexual
State Resources
- North Carolina Victim Assistance Network 1-800-348-5068 www.nc-van.org
- NC Statewide Automated Victim Assistance and Notification System (NC SAVAN) 1-877-627-2826
- North Carolina Coalition against Sexual Assault 1-888-737-2272 www.nccasa.org
- Crime Victims’ Compensation Services 1-800-826-6200 https://www.ncdps.gov/DPS-Services/Victim-Services/Crime-Victim-Compensation
- NC Coalition against Domestic Violence 1-888-997-9124 www.nccadv.org
National Resources
- National Domestic Violence Hotline 1-800-799-SAFE or 1-800-787-3224 (TDD) www.thehotline.org
- Resource Center on Child Protection and Custody 1-800-527-3223 www.rcdvcpc.org
- Battered Woman’s Justice Project 1-800-903-0111 http://www.bwjp.org/
- National Resource Center on Domestic Violence 1-800-537-2238 www.nrcdv.org
- National Sexual Violence Resources Center 717-909-0710 http://www.nsvrc.org/
- National Human Trafficking Resource Center 1-888-373-7888 http://traffickingresourcecenter.org
To Access Our Services
Andrea Jones-Marshall, Victim Specialist
Office: (704) 484-4854
Cell: (704) 477-6034
[email protected]
Robby Barr, Victim Specialist
Office: (704) 484-4767
Cell: (704) 477-6033
[email protected]